Cecilia Garcia Akers commented on Live Oak Progress Article about Dr. Hector! 2020-11-13 08:42:18 -0600Special Thanks to Celia Ruiz for her courage and inspiration to write this article on Dr. Hector, our hero.
Cecilia Garcia Akers commented on Book- "The Inspiring Life of Texan Hector P. Garcia" 2020-09-20 22:34:56 -0500I am happy to send an autographed copy of The Inspiring Life of Texan Hector P. Garcia, with free shipping and a $20.00 donation to the Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Foundation.
Cecilia Garcia Akers commented on San Antonio magazine "Latina Woman" profiles Foundation CEO Cecilia Garcia Akers 2020-04-19 15:52:08 -0500Thank you Latina Woman magazine for including me in your inaugural edition. We are proud to serve the community and the legacy of Dr. Hector P. Garcia through the Foundation named in his memory. Special thanks to Virginia Yamen for your hard work on this edition.
Cecilia Garcia Akers commented on 6th annual Hector P. Garcia Birthday Luncheon 2019 2019-01-31 19:13:50 -0600I want to personally thank everyone who attended this incredible luncheon. In particular, all of our sponsors, and supporters, but especially CITGO, for being there with us from the beginning and always stepping up to assist the Foundation.
Cecilia Garcia Akers commented on Recap of 2018 Luncheon in Photos 2018-02-10 07:41:40 -0600Thank you so much to everyone who donated, attended and supported our annual Dr. Hector P. Garcia Birthday Celebration.!! Even though it was a very chilly morning, 500 people attended and listened to a moving keynote speech from Dr. Kelly Quintanilla, Texas A&M Corpus Christi President and CEO. Special remarks from our good friend Chancellor John Sharp. It was a grand celebration and we deeply appreciate everyone’s support of our Foundation.