2025 January Update
The Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Foundation works hard to keep Dr. Hector's legacy alive. This means getting involved in numerous community activities. Here are a few of the highlights for January 2025.
Click for January 2025 Foundation Update
Big news for TAMUCC and the Dr. Hector P. Garcia Archives
This photo with Dr. Kelly Miller, President and CEO of Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, and with Jim and me, represents the beginning of a new era for the Dr. Hector P. Garcia Collection. This will provide more public access, protection of his documents at the downtown building on Chaparral street. A 500 square foot space will reflect his legacy by duplicating his office, in this space, plus additional artifacts like his chair and typewriter. Additionally, his name featuring the Dr. Hector P. Garcia Collection will be permanently displayed on one side of the building, beneath Texas A&M University. The other side will host a marquee of events. We are so honored, excited that we are at this point in time, after planning for something of this magnitude for 10 years. Please join us in congratulating the Foundation, and Dr. Kelly Miller for her diligence in this project. Believe me, this was a tough resolution to achieve. More news to come later.
2025 Legacy Celebration Sponsors
The 2025 Legacy Celebration honoring the life of Dr. Hector P. Garcia was a huge success thanks to our great sponsors! Thank you!
Click to view our wonderful sponsors