2025 January Update
The Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Foundation works hard to keep Dr. Hector's legacy alive. This means getting involved in numerous community activities. Here are a few of the highlights for January 2025.
Click for January 2025 Foundation Update
Jay Sanchez published Big news for TAMUCC and the Dr. Hector P. Garcia Archives in Latest News 2025-01-29 11:28:43 -0600
Big news for TAMUCC and the Dr. Hector P. Garcia Archives
This photo with Dr. Kelly Miller, President and CEO of Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, and with Jim and me, represents the beginning of a new era for the Dr. Hector P. Garcia Collection. This will provide more public access, protection of his documents at the downtown building on Chaparral street. A 500 square foot space will reflect his legacy by duplicating his office, in this space, plus additional artifacts like his chair and typewriter. Additionally, his name featuring the Dr. Hector P. Garcia Collection will be permanently displayed on one side of the building, beneath Texas A&M University. The other side will host a marquee of events. We are so honored, excited that we are at this point in time, after planning for something of this magnitude for 10 years. Please join us in congratulating the Foundation, and Dr. Kelly Miller for her diligence in this project. Believe me, this was a tough resolution to achieve. More news to come later.
2025 Legacy Celebration Sponsors
The 2025 Legacy Celebration honoring the life of Dr. Hector P. Garcia was a huge success thanks to our great sponsors! Thank you!
Click to view our wonderful sponsors
2025 Legacy Celebration
The 2025 Legacy Celebration was a huge success! Hundreds of South Texans gathered to honor the life of Civil Rights Legend, Dr. Hector P. Garcia. Our heartfelt thanks to the many companies and organizations who came together in support of the Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Foundation.
Thank you!
Jay Sanchez published Great KRIS 6News Celebration Coverage in Latest News 2025-01-26 08:51:07 -0600
Great KRIS 6News Celebration Coverage
We are very grateful for the support of our media partners like KRIS TV.
Click to view KRIS TV News Coverage
Jay Sanchez published KiiiTV Dr. Hector Celebration Coverage in Latest News 2025-01-26 08:45:23 -0600
KiiiTV News Dr. Hector Celebration Coverage
The Foundation appreciates the support and coverage of our wonderful local media. Thank you KiiiTV3 for all you do for our community.
Click to view the KiiiTV News Story
Jay Sanchez published 2025 Legacy Luncheon Domingo Show Interview in Latest News 2025-01-15 10:17:40 -0600
2025 Legacy Luncheon Domingo Show Interview
Hosts of KIII TV's Domingo Show Barbi Leo and Rudy Trevino talk to Cecilia Garcia Akers and Jim Akers about The 2025 Legacy Luncheon on January 24th at the Omni Corpus Christi Hotel. We are very grateful to our media sponsors.
Click to view the Domingo interview
https://www.msn.com/en-us/society-culture-and-history/holidays-and-festivals/2025-dr-hector-p-garcia-legacy-luncheon-set-for-jan-24/vi-BB1rntHB?ocid=socialshare&fbclid=IwY2xjawH0vRpleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHTcCbaUjTCP8x 8O5OBvVTvrqL0twqIA4FyPACXIaY1DfM2WBSrv1fsjj5w_aem_7iLlb5Y8-dGTxiycCLZnEA
2025 Legacy Luncheon
The 2025 Dr. Hector P. Garcia Legacy Luncheon is January 24 at the Omni Hotel. Your participation will provide scholarships, help area veterans as well as local community organizations. This is a much-anticipated and well attended event. So please reserve your seats and tables as soon as you can. Thank you.
Please click for more information
Flags for Heroes
Veteran’s Day Flag for Heroes was an incredible display of our community’s love and respect for our Veterans. The Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Foundation was a proud participant in the wonderful annual event put together by The Rotary Club of Corpus Christi.
Nov 2025 Market Days
We are so excited to be at the Heritage Park Market Days at The Watergardens from 10:00 to 4:00 on Saturday, November 2. Please come see us for your signed copy of The Inspiring Life of Texan Hector P. Garcia. Booth 332.
McAllen Veteran's Presentation
Please plan to join Cecilia Garcia Akers for this historic presentation in McAllen, Texas. Thank you!
2024 Hispanic Heritage Month Wrap Up
As 2024 Hispanic Heritage Month comes to a close, I want to share the many events that we participated in for this month with so many friends and colleagues. We are continuing to press forward with all our initiatives. May God continue to bless our efforts. Special thanks to everyone who assisted us.
Jay Sanchez published Hispanic Heritage Month is a very busy time for the Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Foundation. in Latest News 2024-09-20 14:07:07 -0500
Hispanic Heritage Month is a very busy time for the Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Foundation.
@TAMUCC / Dr. Hector P. Garcia’s legacy lives on at the Island University. Happy to celebrate Dr. Garcia with Cecilia Garcia Akers and our Islander team. Congrats to fellow alumna Kristeen Baum who gave a fabulous presentation on how Dr. Garcia’s advocacy for food insecurity in the 1970s is still relevant today! Images courtesy of TAMUCC
From the Office of Texas Senator Juan Chuy Hinojosa
Today, we honor the legacy of Dr. Hector P. Garcia, a Mexican-American civil rights leader who founded the American GI forum and fought for the rights of Hispanics in our country. In 2009, I authored and passed legislation designating the third Wednesday in September as Dr. Hector P. Garcia Day through Senate Bill 495. The bill authorized the observance of the day by schools and state agencies to honor Dr. Garcia and teach our younger generations about his legacy.
All Texans should remember Dr. Hector P. Garcia, an extraordinary man who dedicated his life to public service and the equal treatment of all. Dr. Garcia courageously fought for the civil rights of veterans and Hispanics, breaking down the barriers they faced to education, health care, fair labor practices, and housing. He demonstrated leadership and sacrifice in his fight to protect our liberties and ensure that all Americans are treated with dignity and respect.
Dr. Garcia embodies the spirit of selflessness and public service. As a private American citizen, he exercised his constitutional rights to elevate awareness about the plight of neglected Americans. As a physician, he provided access to medical care to underserved communities. As a soldier, he demonstrated valor and sacrifice as he fought to protect our liberties. Dr. Hector P. Garcia never wavered in his commitment to the United States Constitution and equality for all.
Dr. Garcia was the first Mexican-American to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom, our country's highest civilian honor, and earned a Bronze Star and six battle stars for his military service. He served as an advisor to Presidents John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and Jimmy Carter and served as the first Hispanic on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. To further honor his service and legacy, I also passed legislation naming a portion of State Highway 286 in Corpus Christi, the Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Highway.
Cecilia GarcIa Akers : I attended a Holy Mass at Incarnate Word Academy this Wednesday in celebration of Dr. Hector P Garcia Texas State Recognition Day. I was gifted this beautiful painting, signed by every student, and many hand made cards. I was moved to tears. I never expect anything in return, just trying to help students in need. Needless to say, all the tears, work and battles are well worth it. My deepest appreciation to Incarnate Word Academy.
Images from Incarnate Word Academy Mass celebration honoring Dr. Hector P. Garcia. We donated $2000 for tuition assistance.
Read more
2024 Hispanic Heritage Month
The Dr. Hector P. Garcia Memorial Foundation is proud to salute Hispanic Heritage Month.
Please click the link.
Jay Sanchez published San Antonio College celebrates Dr. Hector P. Garcia in Latest News 2024-09-10 09:48:45 -0500
San Antonio College celebrates Dr. Hector P. Garcia
We are so excited to be presenting in collaboration with the American GI Forum on September 28 at San Antonio College at 10:00. Please join us. P
Jay Sanchez published 2024 Dr. Hector P. Garcia Recognition Day in Latest News 2024-09-01 19:27:32 -0500
2024 Dr. Hector P. Garcia Recognition Day
We are so excited to celebrate the Dr. Hector P. Garcia State Recognition Day at Del Mar College
on September 18, at 11:30 am. Please DM me on FaceBook if you would like to attend.
Thank you Moses Estrada and the Dr. Hector P. Garcia Founders Chapter of the American GI Forum.
Holy Mass Celebrating Dr. Hector
We are so honored to be celebrating this annual Holy Mass on September 18 at 9:00 am.
The Dr. Hector P Garcia Texas State Recognition Day at Incarnate Word Academy. Please join us.
Jay Sanchez published Students will soon learn about Dr. Hector P. Garcia in Latest News 2024-06-08 19:37:05 -0500
Students will learn about Dr. Hector P. Garcia
Texas Education Agency Commissioner Mike Morath announced an update to the Texas curriculum that will include the accomplishments of Dr. Hector P. Garcia. State Representative Todd Hunter, Texas Senator Morgan La Mantia and Cecilia Garcia Akers, President of the Dr. Hector P. Garcia Foundation and others worked hard to make this long overdue acknowledgment a reality.
Our local media were on hand for this important announcement. Please click the links to view their coverage.
KiiiTV coverage
KRIS TV coverage
Caller Times coverage
Improving our children's education
This is a big step in improving our children's education in the State of Texas!